(Daniel2:31~35) A beast with 7 heads and 10 horns – watching from Babylon, the first and second,

        Egypt and Assyria have been passed by, and the third, this image’s head was of fine gold – which is Babylon,

        the fourth, his breast and his arms of silver – Medea and Persia, the fifth, his belly and thighs of brass – Greek,

        the sixth, his legs of iron – Rome, the seventh, his feet part of iron and part of clay.

       ‘Iron’– Soviet, and ‘Clay’ – the people of God’s wrath, Jerusalem have become two brass mountains,

        which is the wine cup of fury for 70 years,

(Revelation17:11) and as it is said, “the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, goeth into

perdition”, when the eighth king, Babylon is established and the golden idol is completely made on this land,

(Daniel2:34~35, 44~45) it is said, “a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of

iron and clay, and brake them to pieces. Then was the image broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of

the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that

smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth”.

And today, the day of covenant of the week on which the eternal kingdom of the Lord is established has arrived.


(Psalms23:4) As it is said, “thy rod and thy staff they comfort me”,

The First Coming Lord’s rod: (Exodus6:1~8)(1Corinthians10:1~11) like Israel came out of Egypt with Moses’ rod,

         (Ephesians2:14~18) with the words of the covenant of peace of the First Coming Lord,

         (Colossians1:13~14) Israel has redemption, even the forgiveness of sins, and is carried to the kingdom of his dear

          son, moving out of the power of darkness.

         (John15:19)(John17:14~17) Egypt – ye are not of the world, but Christ has chosen you out of the world, and

         belonged to God, sanctified by truth. 

         (Philippians3:20~21) And with the authority of being God’s children whose conversation in heaven

          we have come to participate in the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.


The Second Coming Lord’s staff: However, today in the year 2000 A.D., (2Corinthians11:2~3) Israel, a chaste virgin 

         waiting for her husband Jesus Christ, (James4:4~8) loved the world,

         (Isaiah32:9~14)(Jeremiah50:37, 35~40) and became the women mad upon Babylonian’s idols, all of whom were 

         deprived of their faith. 

         So, (Genesis38:24)(Leviticus21:9) because of the whoredom, the curse of the law to be burnt covers the land, 

         (Jeremiah1:13~16)(Jeremiah4:11~18)(Jeremiah50:9~10) and the fire of the judgment comes down from the north 

         covering this land. 

         (Isaiah10:5~6)(Isaiah8:5~8) Striking down them with the rod of the wrath of the north – Assyria, 

         (Leviticus27:30~33)(Ezekiel20:37~38, 40~44) God cause Israel to pass under the rod of wrath, the covenant of one 

         week has confirmed which remains tenth by binding with the band of the Eternal Covenant. 

         (Jeremiah16:14~15)(Isaiah8:5~8) Now, not with the name of our God who saves us from Egypt, 

         he has sworn the name of our God who saves us from the North.



(Daniel2:31~35) A beast with 7 heads and 10 horns – watching from Babylon, the first and second, Egypt and Assyria have been passed by, and the third, this image’s head was of fine gold – which is Babylon, the fourth, his breast and his arms of silver – Medea and Persia, the fifth, his belly and thighs of brass – Greek, the sixth, his legs of iron – Rome, the seventh, his feet part of iron and part of clay.

‘Iron’– Soviet, and ‘Clay’ – the people of God’s wrath, Jerusalem have become two brass mountains, which is the wine cup of fury for 70 years, 

(Revelation17:11) and as it is said, “the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, goeth into perdition”, when the eighth king, Babylon is established and the golden idol is completely made on this land, 

(Daniel2:34~35, 44~45) it is said, “a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces. Then was the image broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth”. 

And today, the day of covenant of the week on which the eternal kingdom of the Lord is established has arrived.


(Psalms23:4) As it is said, “thy rod and thy staff they comfort me”,

The First Coming Lord’s rod: (Exodus6:1~8)(1Corinthians10:1~11) like Israel came out of Egypt with Moses’ rod, (Ephesians2:14~18) with the words of the covenant of peace of the First Coming Lord, (Colossians1:13~14) Israel has redemption, even the forgiveness of sins, and is carried to the kingdom of his dear son, moving out of the power of darkness.

(John15:19)(John17:14~17) Egypt – ye are not of the world, but Christ has chosen you out of the world, and belonged to God, sanctified by truth.

 (Philippians3:20~21) And with the authority of being God’s children whose conversation in heaven, we have come to participate in the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.


The Second Coming Lord’s staff: However, today in the year 2000 A.D., (2Corinthians11:2~3) Israel, a chaste virgin waiting for her husband Jesus Christ, (James4:4~8) loved the world,

(Isaiah32:9~14)(Jeremiah50:37, 35~40) and became the women mad upon  Babylonian’s idols, all of whom were deprived of their faith. 

So, (Genesis38:24)(Leviticus21:9) because of the whoredom, the curse of the law to be burnt covers the land, (Jeremiah1:13~16)(Jeremiah4:11~18)(Jeremiah50:9~10) and the fire of the judgment comes down from the north covering this land. 

(Isaiah10:5~6)(Isaiah8:5~8) Striking down them with the rod of the wrath of the north – Assyria, (Leviticus27:30~33)(Ezekiel20:37~38, 40~44) God cause Israel to pass under the rod of wrath, the covenant of one week has confirmed which remains tenth by binding with the band of the Eternal Covenant. 

(Jeremiah16:14~15)(Isaiah8:5~8) Now, not with the name of our God who saves us from Egypt, he has sworn the name of our God who saves us from the North.




Coming soon..