(Isaiah6:3) As it is said, “Holy, holy, holy”, (Hebrews13:10~13) Jesus, that he might sanctify the people with his own

                    blood, suffered without the gate(Hebrews9:22) and it is said that without shedding of blood is no remission.

The first Holy – at the Church of the Father in the Age of Law, (Hebrews9:13)(Leviticus16:14~16)(Exodus24:4~8) following 

                               the law, for the blood of beasts sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh.

The second Holy – the Church of the Son in the Age of Grace (Matthew1:21) God sent his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, 

                                      to save his people from their sins,(Hebrews9:11~15)(Hebrews10:19~22) and by his own blood, 

                                     he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.

        (Romans3:19~31) So, all of them that believe inJesus Christ, whom God hath set forth to be

                                    a propitiation through faith in his blood, are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is

                                     in Christ Jesus.

              The First Coming Lord: (John3:14~15) As it is said that “as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so 

              must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life”, 

             (Galatians5:24)(Matthew20:28) everyone who believes in the Lord of ransom who was crucified for us, who are of 

              brass and iron, may be saved.


Also, the third Holy – the Church of the Holy Spirit in the Age of Tribulation (Romans1:17)(Psalms36:8~9) As it is said that 

for in the gospel is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith.

             The Second Coming Lord: (Numbers21:4~9)(Jeremiah1:13~16)(Ezekiel1:4~25) Look at the fire of judgment [the 

              seraphims – a fiery serpent] coming down from the north, and (Numbers21:8~9) as it is said that “Make thee 

              a fiery serpent [the seraphims], and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten”, 

             (Jeremiah6:28, 10)(Psalms58:1~5) corrupters of brass and iron [adders] whose ear is uncircumcised so they 

              cannot hearken and the Lord’s warning unto them a reproach (Ezekiel40:3~5) may be hanged on a measuring 

              reed and are burnt with a devouring fire of furnace.

             (Isaiah10:20~23)(Acts17:31) Behold the Second Coming Lord of such fire judgment, who decreed the consumption 

             of world with righteousness. 

            (Genesis22:13~14)(Zechariah13:7~9) With grace of the ransom of the shepherd’s judgment,(Isaiah6:13) the day of 

             redemption of Spirit and Body’s complete salvation has come to whoever believes in the Second Coming Lord of 

             fire judgment, who saveth remnants of Israel – one of ten.


(Isaiah6:4) As it is said that the posts from “the posts of the door” is cubit -[am-maw] in Hebrew language, 

(Ezekiel40:3~5) there was a measuring reed of six cubits already under the threshold. 

It was six cubits long by the cubit and an hand breadthusing the cubit of the old standard. 

That is to say, in the darkness on 6th day – (Genesis30:24)(Genesis41:1~end)(Amos6:6) on the additional day of Joseph, 

on the day of great tribulation for seven years (2Chronicles 3:3) as it is said that one cubit[am-maw] using the cubit of 

the old standard is 52 centimeters in larger cubit, {(2Kings15:2)(Isaiah 6:1)Azariah – as it is said that Uzziah the 10th 

king reigned in Jerusalem fifty-two years} ,

(Matthew25:1~13) ten virgins – on the day of judgment with righteousness of the coming of the Lord, 

(Matthew13:49~52)(Ezekiel37:26)the cubit of the old standard – the old one[the word of Eternal Gospel] comes as the 

measuring reed.



(Isaiah6:3) As it is said, “Holy, holy, holy”, (Hebrews13:10~13) Jesus, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate(Hebrews9:22) and it is said that without shedding of blood is no remission.


The first Holy – at the Church of the Father in the Age of Law, (Hebrews9:13)(Leviticus16:14~16)(Exodus24:4~8) following the law, for the blood of beasts sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh.


The second Holy – the Church of the Son in the Age of Grace (Matthew1:21) God sent his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to save his people from their sins, (Hebrews9:11~15)(Hebrews10:19~22) and by his own blood, he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.

(Romans3:19~31) So, all of them that believe inJesus Christ, whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.

The First Coming Lord: (John3:14~15) As it is said that “as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up. That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life”,  

(Galatians5:24)(Matthew20:28) everyone who believes in the Lord of ransom who was crucified for us, who are of  brass and iron, may be saved.

Also, the third Holy – the Church of the Holy Spirit in the Age of Tribulation (Romans1:17)(Psalms36:8~9) As it is said that for in the gospel is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith.


The Second Coming Lord: (Numbers21:4~9)(Jeremiah1:13~16)(Ezekiel1:4~25) Look at the fire of judgment [the seraphims – a fiery serpent] coming down from the north, and (Numbers21:8~9) as it is said that “Make thee a fiery serpent [the seraphims], and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten”, 

(Jeremiah6:28, 10)(Psalms58:1~5) corrupters of brass and iron [adders] whose ear is uncircumcised so they cannot hearken and the Lord’s warning unto them a reproach (Ezekiel40:3~5) may be hanged on a measuring reed and are burnt with a devouring fire of furnace.

(Isaiah10:20~23)(Acts17:31) Behold the Second Coming Lord of such fire judgment, who decreed the consumption of world with righteousness. 

(Genesis22:13~14)(Zechariah13:7~9) With grace of the ransom of the shepherd’s judgment,

(Isaiah6:13) the day of redemption of Spirit and Body’s complete salvation has come to whoever believes in the Second Coming Lord of fire judgment, who saveth remnants of Israel – one of ten.


(Isaiah6:4) As it is said that the posts from “the posts of the door” is cubit -[am-maw] in Hebrew language, 

(Ezekiel40:3~5) there was a measuring reed of six cubits already under the threshold. 

It was six cubits long by the cubit and an hand breadthusing the cubit of the old standard. 

That is to say, in the darkness on 6th day – (Genesis30:24)(Genesis41:1~end)(Amos6:6) on the additional day of Joseph, on the day of great tribulation for seven years (2Chronicles 3:3) as it is said that one cubit[am-maw] using the cubit of the old standard is 52 centimeters in larger cubit, 

{(2Kings15:2)(Isaiah6:1)Azariah – as it is said that Uzziah the 10th king reigned in Jerusalem fifty-two years},

(Matthew25:1~13) ten virgins – on the day of judgment with righteousness of the coming of the Lord, 

(Matthew13:49~52)(Ezekiel37:26)the cubit of the old standard – the old one[the word of Eternal Gospel] comes as the measuring reed.



Coming soon..