(Daniel 2:31~45)(Daniel 7:1~8) The head of the beast having seven heads and ten horns is gold. 

(Revelation 6:5~8) It is said that the head of a pale horse, which speaks as a dragon in Christ’s garment – the head of the

                                      great whore Babylon is also gold – black horse[capitalism]. 

(Revelation 16:12~16) So, to destroy Babylon, the land of the dragon and beast and the false prophet, 

(Isaiah13:17~19)(Jeremiah 51:11~14) it is said, “I will stir up the Medes against  them, which shall not regard silver; and 

                                                                           as for gold, they shall not delight in it.” 

(Micah 1:3~7)(Ezekiel 48:8~10) Like the men who live (Genesis 10:2 Madai – Medes means midst) in the midst of the top 

of Mount Zion, the high places of the earth, 

(Daniel 3:1~30) Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, (Daniel 3:25) the Sons of God (Isaiah19:19~22)(Zechariah 6:1~8) go 

forth against Babylon of the golden idol from between two brass mountains – from the midst of Egypt.


(Isaiah21:1~2) As it is said, “A grievous vision toward Babylon is declared unto me. Go up, O Elam: besiege, O media”,

                             the  meaning of Elam is ‘high ground’, ‘hidden’, or [Strong Code dic. – eternal], and it also means ‘East’ in

                            ancient  Babylonian. 

(Revelation 7:1~8)(Isaiah24:14~23) From the midst of the top of Mount Zion, the east end of the earth, 

(Revelation 2:17) going out with the hidden manna for 6,000 years – the word of truth of the Eternal Gospel, 

(2Corinthians 10:3~5) and casting down every confusion of Babel’s pretension and making it obedient to Christ; 

(Revelation 6:1~2) it is the work of Second White Horse riding out as a conqueror bent on conquest.


(Isaiah62:10~12) As it is said to prepare ye the way of the people; cast up, cast up the highway; gather out the stones; 

                                  lift up a standard for the people, 

(Isaiah 62:11)(Isaiah40:9~11) God of reward and work – the standard of the Second Coming  Lord with strong hand – 

(Isaiah11:10~16) at the day of mercy in the 70th year when the standard of the Second Coming Lord who is the offspring 

                                  of David stands for an ensign of the people again, the Zion’s highway will be open from north  to south 

                                  and from south to north. 

(Daniel 12:4) And as it is said, “many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased”, 

(Acts 20:25) the sevenfold work of Paul the Apostle’s preaching the Gospel of peace, who said “I have gone preaching the 

                        kingdom of God among ye all” – the work of the Eternal Gospel on this land has started at the east end of 

                        the earth.


However, (Luke 14:24) as Jesus said, “That none of those men which were bidden shall taste of my supper”, 

(Matthew 13:20~21)(Hebrews 3:13)(Ezekiel 36:26) the stony heart hardened through the spirit of error, the stony heart 

hardened through sin – the stones are not getting removed. 

(Isaiah28:16)(Isaiah8:14~15)(Matthew 21:44) The Second Coming Lord’s stone cut out, which is a sure foundation stone 

in which we can have the Complete Salvation of Spirit and Body if we believe, becomes a stone of stumbling and a rock 

of offence to Israel. 

(Romans 9:30~33) Then, like all the Israelite stumbled and fell by the First Coming Lord’s stone which was refused, 

today, spiritual Israelites (Hosea 14:9) all fall down again by the Second Coming Lord’s stone which was cut out, 

and no one returns to the presence of the Lord. 

(Zechariah 6:12~15)(Numbers 14:31) Only the servants of the branches remain and return, 

(Zechariah 6:15)(Isaiah56:3~8)(Luke 17:11~19) or, more precisely, they are not the well-known and rather people 

that are far off [Gentiles] are returning.



(Daniel 2:31~45)(Daniel 7:1~8) The head of the beast having seven heads and ten horns is gold. 

(Revelation 6:5~8) It is said that the head of a pale horse, which speaks as a dragon in Christ’s garment – the head of the great whore Babylon is also gold – black horse[capitalism]. 

(Revelation 16:12~16) So, to destroy Babylon, the land of the dragon and beast and the false prophet, 

(Isaiah13:17~19)(Jeremiah 51:11~14) it is said, “I will stir up the Medes against  them, which shall not regard silver; and  as for gold, they shall not delight in it.” 

(Micah 1:3~7)(Ezekiel 48:8~10) Like the men who live (Genesis 10:2 Madai – Medes means midst) in the midst of the top of Mount Zion, the high places of the earth, 

(Daniel 3:1~30) Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, (Daniel 3:25) the Sons of God (Isaiah19:19~22)(Zechariah 6:1~8) go forth against Babylon of the golden idol from between two brass mountains – from the midst of Egypt.


(Isaiah21:1~2) As it is said, “A grievous vision toward Babylon is declared unto me. Go up, O Elam: besiege, O media”,   the  meaning of Elam is ‘high ground’, ‘hidden’, or [Strong Code dic. – eternal], and it also means ‘East’ in ancient  Babylonian. 

(Revelation 7:1~8)(Isaiah24:14~23) From the midst of the top of Mount Zion, the east end of the earth, 

(Revelation 2:17) going out with the hidden manna for 6,000 years – the word of truth of the Eternal Gospel, 

(2Corinthians 10:3~5) and casting down every confusion of Babel’s pretension and making it obedient to Christ; 

(Revelation 6:1~2) it is the work of Second White Horse riding out as a conqueror bent on conquest.


(Isaiah62:10~12) As it is said to prepare ye the way of the people; cast up, cast up the highway; gather out the stones;  lift up a standard for the people, 

(Isaiah 62:11)(Isaiah40:9~11) God of reward and work – the standard of the Second Coming  Lord with strong hand – 

(Isaiah11:10~16) at the day of mercy in the 70th year when the standard of the Second Coming Lord who is the offspring of David stands for an ensign of the people again, the Zion’s highway will be open from north  to south and from south to north. 

(Daniel 12:4) And as it is said, “many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased”, 

(Acts 20:25) the sevenfold work of Paul the Apostle’s preaching the Gospel of peace, who said “I have gone preaching the   kingdom of God among ye all” – the work of the Eternal Gospel on this land has started at the east end of  the earth.


However, (Luke 14:24) as Jesus said, “That none of those men which were bidden shall taste of my supper”, 

(Matthew 13:20~21)(Hebrews 3:13)(Ezekiel 36:26) the stony heart hardened through the spirit of error, 

the stony heart hardened through sin – the stones are not getting removed. 

(Isaiah28:16)(Isaiah8:14~15)(Matthew 21:44) The Second Coming Lord’s stone cut out, which is a sure foundation stone in which we can have the Complete Salvation of Spirit and Body if we believe, becomes a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence to Israel. 

(Romans 9:30~33) Then, like all the Israelite stumbled and fell by the First Coming Lord’s stone which was refused, 

today, spiritual Israelites (Hosea 14:9) all fall down again by the Second Coming Lord’s stone which was cut out, and no one returns to the presence of the Lord. 

(Zechariah 6:12~15)(Numbers 14:31) Only the servants of the branches remain and return, 

(Zechariah 6:15)(Isaiah56:3~8)(Luke 17:11~19) or, more precisely, they are not the well-known and rather people that are far off [Gentiles] are returning.



Coming soon..