(2Peter 2:5) When God brought the flood on the world of the ungodly, (Genesis 6:9) he saved Noah, a preacher of 

righteousness – the perfect in his generation – and seven others. 

Like this, (Daniel 9:26, 24~27)(Isaiah 8:1~8) the one-week covenant day at the end of the world has come, and

today,  when the abominable waters rising in the north overflow and engulf this world just like in the days of 


(John 6:45)(Isaiah 54:13, 7~14) every man that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father in the day of 70-years 

mercy like the day of Noah

(Psalms 144:12)(Ephesians 4:13) becomes well-nurtured plants in their youth – becomes mature and may be 


(Genesis 7:2) As it is said, “Take with you seven of every kind of clean animals, a male and its mate, and two of 

every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate”, 

Seven- (Revelation 5:1~10)(Revelation 4:1~5) who received the Holy Spirit’s anointment of the seven spirits before 

the throne and became the wife of the Lamb which had seven horns and seven eyes – 

(1Corinthians 6:17) the clean people who were jointed to the Lord and became one spirit[a pair] with him– 

(Revelation 19:7~9)(Revelation 22:16~17) the matures[the perfect] with the sevenfold of blessing, 

who are the Holy Spirit and the Bride, (Genesis 8:13) can tread on a new heaven and a new earth in the morning of 

the seventh day – six hundred and first year. 

However, Two-(1Corinthians 6:16)(Genesis 2:24)(Genesis 3)the unclean who united themselves with a prostitute

[the great whore, Babylon] and became one body[one flesh][one pair] – young children may enter the 

sevenfold of curse of three woes.

(Genesis 9:1~3) Just as Noah and his sons were told to eat not only vegetables, but now also eat meat,

(Matthew 24:19) if you are still the immature, who give suck and only give vegetables, now you’ll be cursed. 

(Jeremiah 49:18~22) The swelling of Jordan – in the thickets of Jordan, a lion comes up from the north and surely 

drags away the young of the flock, then completely destroys their pasture. 

(Isaiah 30:29, 27~33) Such is the night of the Passover of Omega. 

(Genesis 41:1~7)(Matthew 24:20~24)Seven years of great famine, seven years of great tribulation – the day of 

tribulation, such as there was none like it, nor shall be like it anymore – has come.

(Exodus 12:8)And as it is said that same night, (Revelation 5:1~10) they are to eat the meat of the Passover lamb of 

Omega roasted over the fire, along with bitter herbs, and bread made without yeast,

(Hebrews 5:12~14)(Isaiah 48:10~16) eating the teaching about righteousness in the furnace of affliction, 

(Revelation 3:10)(Revelation 13:10) the word of patience, 

(Isaiah 30:20)(1Kings 22:27) which is the bread of adversity, and the water of affliction, the matures who adorn 

themselves as a bride (Revelation 20:4~6)will enter the glory of the new Jerusalem by the double blessing.


However, (Zechariah 5:5~11) they are women that sitteth in the midst of the ephah.

(Matthew 6:19~24) The world church was blinded by wealth and met the night as the lamp went out. 

(Zechariah 5:9) Then, as it is said, “there came out two women, and the wind was in their wings; for they had 

wings like the wings of a stork”, 

(Ephesians 4:14) it tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and 

by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming so that it goes into the land of Shinar – in the last 

three and a half year of Babylon, (Revelation 18:1~End) it will go into the destruction of one-hour of fire judgment.


(Genesis 9:4~6) As it is said, “flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.” –

 (1John 5:5~8) “the water, the blood, and the Spirit: and these three agree in one and is the truth” – 

(Psalms 27:2)(Psalms 14:1~4) he said thou shall not eat the soul of thy people Israel, which thou hast bought with 

thy blood.

However, (Ezekiel 13:1~18) today, this land that has become a wasteland for 70 years is full of soul hunters who 

hunt the souls of Israel – full of the foxes in the deserts. 

Therefore, (Genesis 9:5~6) as it is said, “surely your blood  of your lives will I require; whose sheddeth man’s blood, 

by man shall his blood be shed”, 

(Isaiah 4:4) the Lord shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem, (Isaiah 34:1~8) and it is the day of the Lord’s vengeance,

 and the year of the recompences for the controversy of Zion.



(2Peter 2:5) When God brought the flood on the world of the ungodly, (Genesis 6:9) he saved Noah, a preacher of righteousness – the perfect in his generation – and seven others. 

Like this, (Daniel 9:26, 24~27)(Isaiah 8:1~8) the one-week covenant day at the end of the world has come, and today,  when the abominable waters rising in the north overflow and engulf this world just like in the days of Noah,

(John 6:45)(Isaiah 54:13, 7~14) every man that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father in the day of 70-years mercy like the day of Noah

(Psalms 144:12)(Ephesians 4:13) becomes well-nurtured plants in their youth – becomes mature and may be saved.


(Genesis 7:2) As it is said, “Take with you seven of every kind of clean animals, a male and its mate, and two of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate”, 

Seven- (Revelation 5:1~10)(Revelation 4:1~5) who received the Holy Spirit’s anointment of the seven spirits before the throne and became the wife of the Lamb which had seven horns and seven eyes – (1Corinthians 6:17) the clean people who were jointed to the Lord and became one spirit[a pair] with him– (Revelation 19:7~9)(Revelation 22:16~17) the matures[the perfect] with the sevenfold of blessing, who are the Holy Spirit and the Bride, (Genesis 8:13) can tread on a new heaven and a new earth in the morning of the seventh day – six hundred and first year. 

However, Two-(1Corinthians 6:16)(Genesis 2:24)(Genesis 3)the unclean who united themselves with a prostitute[the great whore, Babylon] and became one body[one flesh][one pair] – young children may enter the sevenfold of curse of three woes.



(Genesis 9:1~3) Just as Noah and his sons were told to eat not only vegetables, but now also eat meat,

(Matthew 24:19) if you are still the immature, who give suck and only give vegetables, now you’ll be cursed. 

(Jeremiah 49:18~22) The swelling of Jordan – in the thickets of Jordan, a lion comes up from the north and surely drags away the young of the flock, then completely destroys their pasture. 

(Isaiah 30:29, 27~33) Such is the night of the Passover of Omega. 

(Genesis 41:1~7)(Matthew 24:20~24)Seven years of great famine, seven years of great tribulation – the day of tribulation, such as there was none like it, nor shall be like it anymore – has come.

(Exodus 12:8)And as it is said that same night, (Revelation 5:1~10) they are to eat the meat of the Passover lamb of Omega roasted over the fire, along with bitter herbs, and bread made without yeast,

(Hebrews 5:12~14)(Isaiah 48:10~16) eating the teaching about righteousness in the furnace of affliction, (Revelation 3:10)(Revelation 13:10) the word of patience, 

(Isaiah 30:20)(1Kings 22:27) which is the bread of adversity, and the water of affliction, the matures who adorn themselves as a bride (Revelation 20:4~6)will enter the glory of the new Jerusalem by the double blessing.


However, (Zechariah 5:5~11) they are women that sitteth in the midst of the ephah.

(Matthew 6:19~24) The world church was blinded by wealth and met the night as the lamp went out. 

(Zechariah 5:9) Then, as it is said, “there came out two women, and the wind was in their wings; for they had wings like the wings of a stork”, 

(Ephesians 4:14) it tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming so that it goes into the land of Shinar – in the last three and a half year of Babylon, (Revelation 18:1~End) it will go into the destruction of one-hour of fire judgment.


(Genesis 9:4~6) As it is said, “flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.” – (1John 5:5~8) “the water, the blood, and the Spirit: and these three agree in one and is the truth” – (Psalms 27:2)(Psalms 14:1~4) he said thou shall not eat the soul of thy people Israel, which thou hast bought with thy blood.

However, (Ezekiel 13:1~18) today, this land that has become a wasteland for 70 years is full of soul hunters who hunt the souls of Israel – full of the foxes in the deserts. 

Therefore, (Genesis 9:5~6) as it is said, “surely your blood  of your lives will I require; whose sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed”, 

(Isaiah 4:4) the Lord shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem, (Isaiah 34:1~8) and it is the day of the Lord’s vengeance, and the year of the recompences for the controversy of Zion.




Coming soon..