(Exodus 33:16)(Numbers 31:48~50)As the children of Israel make an atonement for their own life before the Lord by 

putting away the ornaments from the Mount Horeb, 

(Malachi 4:1~3,4~6) before the day of the great and dreadful day like the fiery furnace comes today, like the meaning

 of Horeb is ‘waste’, ‘barren(by drought)’,

(Amos 8:11~14) If the children of Israel don’t returned tothe Mount Horeb which is rebuilt on the wasteland where was 

no word of the Lord for 70 years,

(Exodus 3:1) – to the mountain of God -, (Ezekiel 47:1~5)(Isaiah 3:16~26) and if you don’t make an atonement for your 

own life before the Lord by putting away the ornaments – an academic clique, a wealth, a lineage – and suffering 


(Leviticus 23:26~32,33~44)you shall be cut off from the people of Israel, which is the Day of  Atonement and the Feast 

of Tabernacles that has reached to this land.


(Matthew 17:1~5)(Luke 9:28~36) As it is said, “let us make here three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and 

one for Elias.”,

(Proverbs 21:9) and It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman in a 

wide house.”, 

(Revelation 17:18~1)(Revelation 18:1~4) come out of Babylon the great city – (Revelation 17:1,15) the 

great whore that sitteth upon many waters –(Proverbs 21:19) and come to a small booth(small tabernacle) in the 


(Matthew 28:18~20)(Isaiah 4:1)(John 17:21~23) If we fully understand the three tabernacles, – the secret of the Father, 

the Son, and the Holy Spirit which is the trinity of God, – by greeting the Second Coming Lord, first, 

(Romans 12:1~2) we can be transformed by the renewing of our mind, (1Corinthians 15:51~56) then, we can join the 

glory of change of which overcoming death, being incorruptible and immortality, (Romans 8:23~25) also the 

redemption of our body – the glory of transfiguration.


But, like the meaning of Egypt’s Pharaoh[the great house, the sun], – people, looking at the glory of this world, only 

want the great house of flesh. 

(Psalms 48:1~2)(Revelation 21:16,1~End)(1Corinthians 3:16~17) The sanctuaries of the Lord’s house which is the great 

house of the new city of Jerusalem, twelve thousand furlongs<180m*12000 = 2160km>,  but what we see is a little 

tabernacle with a little strength, so no one comes. Twelve thousand stadions – (Revelation 7:1~8) as it is said that “Of 

the tribe of Juda were sealed twelve thousand.”,

(Revelation 20:4~6) the First  resurrection – is joining the glory of the twelve tribes of Israel that lived and reigned with 

Christ a thousand years by going into the new city of Jerusalem which is the kingdom of David of thousand-years Rest 

with the Glory of  Transfiguration. 

(2Peter 1:9) However, they are blind, and cannot see afar off, so they mocked and leave.


(2Corinthians 3:13~15)(Isaiah 3:16~26) As it is said that Israel’s minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the

 same vail untaken away in the reading of Moses and the prophets, 

(Psalms 27:1~5) like when the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they 

stumbled and fell

(Isaiah 29:9~14) they could only know the law and the prophets by the precept of men.

(Exodus 34:29~35)So, as the people of Israel saw the face of Moses, that the skin of Moses’ face shone, which is 


(Philippians 3:4~9) the Israel these days only know the Bible by the doctrine of the flesh, so that they song the glory of 

the flesh (Genesis 16:11~12) and became the children of the wild donkey – the flesh.


Nevertheless, (2Corinthians 3:16~18) as it is said that, “when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away,

we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to 

glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.”,

(Psalms 27:5) whoever enter the small tabernacle – the three tabernacles of the Mountain of Transfiguration where 

the Spirit of the Lord is, could be saved with the glory of the Transfiguration.



(Exodus 33:16)(Numbers 31:48~50)As the children of Israel make an atonement for their own life before the Lord by putting away the ornaments from the Mount Horeb, 

(Malachi 4:1~3,4~6) before the day of the great and dreadful day like the fiery furnace comes today, like the meaning of Horeb is ‘waste’, ‘barren(by drought)’,

(Amos 8:11~14) If the children of Israel don’t returned tothe Mount Horeb which is rebuilt on the wasteland where was no word of the Lord for 70 years,

(Exodus 3:1) – to the mountain of God -, (Ezekiel 47:1~5)(Isaiah 3:16~26) and if you don’t make an atonement for your own life before the Lord by putting away the ornaments – an academic clique, a wealth, a lineage – and suffering  yourself, 

(Leviticus 23:26~32,33~44)you shall be cut off from the people of Israel, which is the Day of  Atonement and the Feast  of Tabernacles that has reached to this land.


(Matthew 17:1~5)(Luke 9:28~36) As it is said, “let us make here three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias.”,

(Proverbs 21:9) andIt is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman in a wide house.”, 

(Revelation 17:18~1)(Revelation 18:1~4) come out of Babylon the great city – (Revelation 17:1,15) the great whore that sitteth upon many waters –(Proverbs 21:19) and come to a small booth(small tabernacle) in the wilderness. 

(Matthew 28:18~20)(Isaiah 4:1)(John 17:21~23) If we fully understand the three tabernacles, – the secret of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit which is the trinity of God, – by greeting the Second Coming Lord, first, 

(Romans 12:1~2) we can be transformed by the renewing of our mind, (1Corinthians 15:51~56) then, we can join the glory of change of which overcoming death, being incorruptible and immortality, (Romans 8:23~25) also the redemption of our body – the glory of transfiguration.


But, like the meaning of Egypt’s Pharaoh[the great house, the sun], – people, looking at the glory of this world, only want the great house of flesh. 

(Psalms 48:1~2)(Revelation 21:16,1~End)(1Corinthians 3:16~17) The sanctuaries of the Lord’s house which is the great house of the new city of Jerusalem, twelve thousand furlongs<180m*12000 = 2160km>,  but what we see is a little 

tabernacle with a little strength, so no one comes. Twelve thousand stadions – (Revelation 7:1~8) as it is said that “Of  the tribe of Juda wer e sealed twelve thousand.”,

(Revelation 20:4~6) the First  resurrection – is joining the glory of the twelve tribes of Israel that lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years by going into the new city of Jerusalem which is the kingdom of David of thousand-years Rest with the Glory of  Transfiguration. 

(2Peter 1:9) However, they are blind, and cannot see afar off, so they mocked and leave.


(2Corinthians 3:13~15)(Isaiah 3:16~26) As it is said that Israel’s minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of Moses and the prophets, 

(Psalms 27:1~5) like when the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell

(Isaiah 29:9~14) they could only know the law and the prophets by the precept of men.

(Exodus 34:29~35)So, as the people of Israel saw the face of Moses, that the skin of Moses’ face shone, which is corruptible, 

(Philippians 3:4~9) the Israel these days only know the Bible by the doctrine of the flesh, so that they song the glory of the flesh (Genesis 16:11~12) and became the children of the wild donkey – the flesh.


Nevertheless, (2Corinthians 3:16~18) as it is said that, “when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away, we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.”,

(Psalms 27:5) whoever enter the small tabernacle – the three tabernacles of the Mountain of Transfiguration where  the Spirit of the Lord is, could be saved with the glory of the Transfiguration.




Coming soon..